Monday, July 6, 2009


Last week end I just found out that son of my friend is actually having heart problem. He is only 8 months old, my Good Lord. The baby has no ‘arteria pulmonalis’ (if I am not mistaken), which is the blood transportation channel from heart to the lung. The absence of this channel interrupts overall blood circulation in his body, put back his physical and mental growth. Currently, his parents keep seeing doctors to find out the solution… can the heart be fixed? If not, can the baby survive and what are the consequences. I also heard that there might be 3 major operations need to be done if the heart is fixable.

What a curse for a young nice decent couple to learn such horrible thing happens to their first son! Even I, who only met their son once … dropped my tears when I was told about it. I couldn’t imagine how much tears they shed when they learned about the fact. I only know that the most hurtful tears in the world usually come from a mother about her child.

And you know what? My friend…the father of the special child told me that “God really trusts my family by giving him to us.” He… my friend…a tremendous father … is still calm… He comes to the office and still smiles. He works normally. And he still writes his YM status : “Everyday is a gift. Thanks!” My Good Lord!!! And here I am with a week of desperation when I couldn’t answer questions in my exam. And here I am with million of angers when subordinates of mine couldn’t do their jobs as I wish. And here I am with self-pities when I gained some weights – problems that are not even close to the problem he faced. Suddenly I feel ashamed of myself – a person who brings out small unimportant problems just to show that God’s plans on me is imperfect.

Oh, my dear friend… he is right : God considers him and his family to be strong to face the condition. And thanks God that he believes in it. He maybe cry … but he is not complaining.. He is not fighting God ... not even has a thought of blaming Him. He approaches closer to God, begs for His direction and love. What a revelation to me … that I have so much blessings in my life I should give thanks… What a precious lesson for me … that I should rather count on the blessings rather than flaws……

My dearest friend… You are really God’s dearest son. I will keep your son name in my prayers … Wishing that he will become another man who declares the Glory of God in this world. Wishing that he will live long enough to teach the world the meaning of ‘faith’ and ‘live in faith’. Wishing that he will live strong enough to also make his parents happy.

May God give you and your family strength to survive all this and become the winner above it all.